Why Codeignitor framework is recommended over other php frameworks?

PHP- hypertext pre-processor is server side scripting Language specially have been used for Website development and  web-application. Now a days website has become need for almost all the business in the market and php has played a significant role by providing time saving ways of developing websites or web-applications to php developers there by helping businesses having website for their business in economic cost.

There are many frameworks and CMS in php such as Laravel, Code igniter, cake php, magento, Joomla etc. to name a few. But the framework that has been stand out or preferred more over other framework or CMS is Code igniter. Codeigniter has been by far the choice for maximum developer’s reason being it is friendlier from developer’s point of view. Before getting into details of how code igniter framework is better than other php framework Lets understand concept of MVC as mostly all framework are built on the concept of MVC ARCHITECTURE.

MVC full form is model, view and controller to elaborate better, model is the part or function where all of your queries are stored to be executed whereas view is your design where mostly HTML and CSS part is kept and controller is the middle part where all your logic is been developed there by helping data to be transferred from frontend to database and from database to frontend, controller plays the major role.

Now we can look into Code igniter Framework
  • Time of Execution: Developers mostly get attracted to php and especially code igniter due to its execution time, there is no better technology compared to php which provides execution very fast.
  • Organization of Files: When you install the code igniter frameworks at the same time there are many applications and files which consist of controller, config, model, view etc. are stored in it.
  • Easy to configure: Cod igniter model view controller framework is very easy to configure. Once you install the framework as per system configuration than just you have to open "config.php" file and load the database, library in that and save it. Now when you start development you can use same database name everywhere.
  • Security Purpose: Code igniter has been really secured compared to other framework there by providing functionality to encrypt and decrypt data that can be transferred.
  • Handling Bugs or Error: Handling bugs or errors has never been so easy before, Compared to other frameworks in codeigniter you have to just write one line code to enable all errors in your code and getting your problems solved.

There has been the reasons codeigniter has standout compared to other php framework. LOOKING FOR DEVELOPING web-application please contact us at http://www.prolifiquetech.com


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